Well, I have to disagree with you. The thing that made it work was the reporters who cared! We were willing to work hard for modest money because we felt fulfilled. We knew we were doing our bit for our communities and democracy. Nobody is covering my small city of $35K now — we were all laid off years ago. I hear bits and pieces about extreme dysfunction at the city because every once in a while public radio pops up and tells us someone has been charged or fired or has resigned in a huff. I know how much shit my newsroom dug up when we were still digging, and it’s clear we kept the city honest-ish. They’re having a free-for-all now! People stop me on the street to ask me what is going on and will I start my own paper or run for office or just tell them who to vote for. But while it brought me great joy and satisfaction to serve for little money, I cannot do it for none.