There was a single line not highlighted, so I chose that one. :)
But also, have you read the book "The WEIRDEST People in the World"? If not, pick it up today. It's fascinating. One very interesting thing, which is on my list of things to write about, is the in many times and regions, powerful "alpha" men would marry multiple wives. Thus, an underclass of less-powerful men had little hope of marrying at all. This had profound effects on the culture. Those guys mainly had just the war option open to them. They would be soldiers and were not as exposed to the civilizing effects of raising a family. Ironically, the Catholic church (which I am NOT defending) had a huge effect on western culture simply because it made so many marriage rules, such as not allowing open polygamy. The marriage rules of the church had a profound effect in ways you'd never imagine. You have to read this book.