The sky is indeed falling: People are eating unhealthy crap that is produced and transported in a way that depends on the exploitation of the environment and workers, and at prices most people cannot afford. YOU are the one talking about moral superiority. Those are your words, not mine. The answer to someone who doesn’t have anything but a bedroom—no access to a refrigerator or even a hot plate— isn’t more takeout. It’s jobs that pay enough for people to afford a decent place to live. Fortunately few people have literally no kitchen. Also, remember for most of human history people cooked from scratch in tiny kitchens. You don’t need a grand kitchen to cook. Sometimes, people use those big, beautiful kitchens to nuke a frozen dinner while someone poorer with a tiny kitchen manages to produce home-cooked meals for their family. You can save enough money cooking to replace quite a lot of paid labor! It’s probably the equivalent to a decent side hustle.
I would LOVE to hear what “cultural superiority” benefits me. Please spell it out!