Teachers? I was married to a chemistry and physics teacher for 15 years. Public school teachers, of course, are government employees, so they do have pensions. Good ones, at least where I live. Here in central Illinois, teachers do extremely well, have lots of time off, plus great medical and great pensions. This is apparently less true in some areas, but don't cry for teachers in central Illinois. They make bank. My ex always made several times more than I did, and I worked far more hours and had (when running a newsroom) far more responsibility. He is making more than $90K base salary as a teacher, plus whatever else he might be getting. At least in central Illinois, it's a complete myth that teachers are underpaid.
I'd encourage you to get out of your bubble! I have friends who are quite wealthy and others who are dirt poor; friends who are in high places and low. You can't hope to understand life without knowing a lot of different people.