So you think buying a house is a waste of money? Wut?
You have to live somewhere. I suppose you could live under a bridge and bank everything you would have spent for a place to live. But I like living in an a house, so I bought one. I did a 15-year mortgage. It's nearly paid off. I will live for "free" not counting property taxes and upkeep, for the rest of my life. I will never be faced with a rent increase. For many of us, a house payment is less than a rent payment. How could it fail to be? When you're renting, you're paying not just for the costs of the property, but for the landlord's profit. Where I live, it's possible to get quite a large house and yard for less than most people pay for rent. I don't have much money so I'm really relieved that I'll be able to have inexpensive housing for the rest of my life.