Reverend Andy, you seem to be very confused. We were talking about Hemingway's writing, and now you're talking about movies made from his books. Hemingway's books are not pop culture. This is how you described pop culture: "To become popular and “make it” in America as a writer, film maker, etc there is a simple-minded formula.
1. Boobs: titillating soft porn
2. Bombs: conflict, fights, conflict
3. Something mystical or spiritual: magical Indians, clairvoyance, etc
4. Good guys win bad guys
5. Most importantly, if you want to reach a wide American audience, you must dumb everything down to roughly a 9th grade level of literacy.
This is the recipe used in Hollywood and publishing houses."
So you claim to have read Hemingway, and this is what you believe his books are like?
You seriously are a college professor?