Oh, FFS. I don't take anyone seriously who uses the word "breeder."
You shouldn't need to be told this, but there are people of all races and backgrounds who choose to have children. There are people of all races and backgrounds who choose not to have children, too.
You look to be as white as I am, plus you're a dude (I googled you to be sure you use male pronouns) and we all know that all white men are automatically bad, right? That was sarcasm in case you are as literal-minded as you appear.
Where are you holed up that everyone lives in perfect harmony? Here, we are growing a bit more diverse than we used to be. Crimes against queer people are quite low here.
I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest you have never spent significant time in a town like mine. You are just making assumptions. You are just being judgy. In other words, you're doing exactly what you accuse small-town Midwesterners of doing.
Have a great day, Bear.