No, nobody is using abortion as birth control. That would be rather expensive, apart from the mental anguish and pain. Are you unaware that contraception can fail? Also, when others chose not to mask around me, it put MY HEALTH PERSONALLY at stake, along with that of every other person in the vicinity. I don't believe I should have to be subjected to the germs of strangers at the grocery store during a pandemic. It's beyond ridiculous to say requiring a mask has anything to do with anyone's bodily autonomy. I'm not allowed to venture into the grocery store with a bare ass or for that matter bare feet, right? I'm required to dress because nobody else wants to be subjected to that and it's uinhygienic. I've never thought wearing pants or shoes or a shirt has reduced my freedom. I didn't feel wearing a mask was a big deal, either. I DID feel it was absolutely unacceptable that if I wanted to shop for groceries, I had to subject myself to a lot of nasty plague rats.