My only degree is in journalism at a state school. However, it was extremely valuable to me. I had some great teachers who opened my eyes and taught me how to think. But a lot of my education came on my own, because I'd learned to think. As someone from a tiny white bread town, it was also very good for me to meet all kinds of people from different backgrounds.
I believe education and job training are two things that only slightly overlap. You can get job training, many times, on your own. I've added to my skills the past few years without paying anything. Also, I read a lot. I have been planning to make a list of the books I found most informative. Jared Diamond is one author I recommend. I also really found the book "The WEIRDest People In the World" to be fascinating. It helped me understand why different cultures see things so differently. Maybe someone has already done this, but a free online curriculum of things any educated person should know, plus the ability to join others online and discuss them, would be so helpful.