My experience was the opposite of this.
I started attending La Leche League while I was still pregnant in 1989. I still friends with some of the moms I met there. I learned so much from the more experienced moms. I knew I wanted to raise my kids differently from how I was raised— I didn’t want to spank my kids, for example. Some really good moms served as mentors. I saw how to parent positively. We all got together once a week for play dates. It was a great group of women. We all brought food and talked while nursing our babies. Our toddlers played together. It was an economically diverse group, but we were all interesting people who liked to have meaningful discussions. It was one of the formative experiences of my life. My kids are grown and I greatly enjoyed being a mom. I have close relationships with my children, and I was really important to me that I have that. I initially was there to learn about breastfeeding (and that worked out great — I nursed both kids full-term) but I got so much more from it.