I fucking LOVED having babies, and breastfeeding wasn’t painful, thanks. I should know; I did it from 1989 until 1996. Why you chose to present it as so horrible when obviously you’ve never done it is beyond me. I voluntarily stayed home for several years, and loved it. I sacrificed a lot, economically, to do so. I’d have liked to have had more kids and to have stayed home a couple more years. I don’t know why you think nobody enjoys parenting. Kids do grow up, and if I’d had my druthers, I’d have delayed my career a bit longer. Taking care of young kids is not mindless work. I was intellectually stimulated when I was home. It’s not boring unless you make it boring. I don’t know why you think I’d have been suffering and waiting for my husband to come home. What the fuck?
You’ve insulted every parent who enjoys raising their kids. I don’t care at all if YOU would fine raising kids horrible. Nobody is making you do it. But kindly stop insulting people who enjoy/enjoyed it. I’m not attacking your job/lifestyle as being a fate worse than death.