God makes mistakes all the time. Look at all the babies who are born with a terrible disease that's incompatible with life -- that's a pretty awful mistake. Or the babies born with hearts that don't work well and who need immediately open heart surgery? That's a pretty bad mistake, too, and I hope you aren't against letting those babies die since you seem to honestly think God wants them to be that way.
What are your feelings about people who are born intersex? These are people who are born with both male and female sexual characteristics. It's about as common as people who are trans. These folks exist whether you approve of them or not. There are people with a womb and ovaries on the inside but a penis on the outside, to give one possible example. There are lots of variations. It's so silly to claim everyone is either male or female. That's not remotely true. Many people are not just one sex.
As for surgeries on minors, I would like to ask you where you got the information that that is happening, because you believed a lie. There's a lot of propaganda out there. I have seen people claim all kinds of crazy stuff -- some people think this is done on toddlers. It's not. The whole purpose of the puberty blockers is to hold off on puberty until the child has time to be sure and to reach 18. There have been a handful of surgeries done on teens as young as 15, but they were said to be extraordinary circumstances.
You may or may not realize that if a medical transition is done before puberty, the person is more likely to be able to pass. The goal is to make sure the person is mature enough to make a decision before they are locked into a certain appearance. Surgery can't "fix" all those things.
Yes, we are following the science here. Trans people have always existed. Brain scans confirm that trans women have brain scans similar to cis women, and the same is true for trans men. You just don't like it.
What do you care? Let people live their lives. They are not hurting you. But you are hurting them. Young trans people are at higher risk of suicide when they are forced by people who think they're just confused to go along with whatever sex they were assigned at birth. What you're advocating is evil, honestly.
Actually, some people ARE making surgical modifications to minors' genitals? Maybe you did this to your son, if you have one. We routinely cut off the foreskins of baby boys, and that's absolutely wrong. Everybody has a right to make their own decisions about their own bodies. I hope you've been loudly proclaiming it wrong to remove a baby boy's foreskin, since he's too young to ask for that body modification.